Sunday, November 20, 2011

Random Thoughts

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.
Colossians 3:23

Over the past 2 and a half months I have been challenged in ways I never even knew I could be challenged. Going from an environment of being loved and appreciated by my employers and having such a huge group of people around me that I loved and who loved me back, and coming here to a completely new way of working and living has stretched me just about to my limits. Although it has been so easy to complain and whine about it I feel like God is really trying to teach me some things through all of this.

Here are a few things that I have learned and need to continue to work on.
1. God has placed certain people in my life so that I can learn from them, even if they annoy the crap out of me. And I think that it can go both ways. While there are things that I can learn from them, I feel like God is showing me ways in which I can teach them. It has all been quite a humbling experience.
2. No matter what, people will ALWAYS fail us, and God is the one and only true person/friend/God that we can always depend on and who will never ever fail us! That has brought me so much comfort over the past few months.
3. I am learning how to love people just the way they are. This is probably the area in which I have the biggest struggle. Each person felt called by God to come here, and I have no right to think that I am in any way better than others around me. God truly does love each and every one of us, and sometimes I really need to remind myself that I am not "special" in the sense that I gave up my whole life to come here and serve. Everyone else has done that too. God has humbled me many times when I start making everything too much about me, and not having a compassionate and loving attitude towards those around me.

I am sure that there are many more things that I am still realizing that I am learning :) May God continue to show us all how to love and live like He wants us to!

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