Thursday, May 17, 2012

Just Love Your God

It's been far too long since I have posted, and I really need to get back into this!  Sorry ladies!  

I've been on a roller coaster of emotions these past 5 months and have recently heard this song that has really spoken to my heart.  It is called Oh My Soul, by Audrey Assad.  There are very simple lyrics but a very powerful message for me.  

Rivers and stones and the trees of the field, they sing in the night
And a thousand tongues lay deep in your lungs to raise to the sky
Don't lie to yourself, o my soul—love your God.

Deep in your heart you feather and tar your folly and fear:
Expose them for the fools they are, and the world comes clear.
Don't lie to yourself, o my soul—love your God.

Your worries will never love you
They'll leave you all alone
But your God will not forsake you
O my soul.

The first time that I heard it, it brought me to tears.  I had been so caught up in so many different things that I forgot to just stop and love God and praise Him for what He has done for me and what He is doing now, even though it isn't always easy.  It made me think of the verse in Hebrews where God says that He will never leave us or never forsake us.  What an awesome promise!  What an amazing God that we serve!  How often do we get caught up in trivial things that don't matter?  How many times have I tried and tried to live my life without God and tried to do things on my own?  I need to daily give my life over to God, daily make an effort to simply love my God and bask in His wonderful presence.  That should be my number one priority each and every day.  

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