Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My style is that I ramble

I am always thinking about the new journey that I'm on, always praying about the next step, always thinking I should
-pray more
-focus more on the objective
combine focus on my life goals and God goals.

[The God goal is to keep God closer and closer]

The life goal is to figure out the life goal.
I keep praying about my new life path, and I realize that I'm literally on a new/life/path every single day.

How A(DD)ewsome is that!

This is prayer is for my lovelyyyy friends, Manda and Caitlin, as you sway between eager optimism and reasonable reluctance as your life starts twisting into new directions; whether you felt forced out on your own, or you're the one who sent a letter asking to be shipped out! My rambling prayers are for you today! <3

God, walk with me, let this road lead to you.

Be the destination,
be the path,
be the flowers on the side
and the storming
insides of

God, be in between me and the breeze,
be my rest
be my eagerness.
be my nervous first steps,
God, be the point at which I left.

1 comment:

  1. Dewey,
    You are amazing with words!! Thanks for your prayers!
