Friday, February 18, 2011


[Be still and know that I am God.]
Psalm 46:10

Bekah Gunthrie makes me laugh and it was so fun to catch up with her at our last Bible study. This catch up conversation, like every catch up conversation, pitched the question, "What are you doing now?"
That's answerable. I'm running around like a crazy person. Answering that question truthfully, though, is a bit of a reality check. If you answer with a huge smile and start talking about something you're crazy excited about, you're probably on the right path.
If you talk about 'what you're doing now' with hesitance and can't wait to change the subject, you're probably doing something wrong.

The next catch up question people always ask is, "What's next, what's your plan?"
When people ask me this, I fumble around my head for my plan--as if I owe it to their curiosity. How stupid is that?! I don't make plans! And if I did I wouldn't trust them.

I panic about most of the plans I make. We talked about how our generation is so preoccupied with what we're SUPPOSED to be doing that we miss out on just doing what we like. If we do what we like, while focusing on God, we can do his work with less chaos.


I like a lot of things, so this caused a brand new panic. But Bekah made a great point, saying that if God places a passion within a person, there must be a reason for it.
I need to keep God in the center of my life and just do what I love to do.

So I'm done trying to figure things out, and running a head race inside myself, I am just holding my mind still, until God helps me sort it all out.--and there is so much muck to sort through.

For now I will just hold myself still and steady, I will know that my God is God, and I will purge myself of the anxiety of plan making. It all belongs to God.

And once I determine my direction, I will shoot out like my own legs from under me when I slipped on the ice yesterday, in pursuit of happiness as a part of God's work.

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