Thursday, May 26, 2011


I have to admit something, the reason that I am thankful right now is because I have one day left in Deuteronomy. How bad is that!? I feel like I have been in this book for so long, but today I was very thankful while reading it. Funny how that works sometimes.

I am thankful that I don't have all these rules to follow, like how to prepare my food the right way, not worrying about if I am wearing "mixed fabrics" together, and making sure that I have tassels on the four corners of my cloak.

I am thankful for those that have gone before me in their own walks of faith and the example that they give us all to follow.

I am thankful for the sacred words of Scripture that guide us and reveal new truths about God each time we read them in our different circumstances.

But most of all, I am so thankful for the love of a Savior who would come down and die for my sins, so that he can bridge the way to heaven without having to go through all the rituals and rules of the Old Testament times.

I am thankful that I serve such an AMAZING God!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I fell alseep on Mother's Day

Proverbs 1:8-9
Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and forsake not your mother’s teaching, for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck.

The imagery in this verse makes me think of how my mom used to put enormous bows in my hair for school every day, [it was the 90's] and how she still makes sure I am fit to leave my house and be in public.
Now that I am soooooo grown up, a whole 22 years worth, I suppose she trusts that I can keep myself together, remembering her expectations.

These are a few motherly teachings I will not forsake:

"Get your ass out of bed and get to church!"
"If you're gonna quit [any given sports team], your legs better be broken!"
"If you're ever on the news, there better be a good reason for it."

And something about how I should just be nice to everyone, let the mean people worry about themselves.

I appreciate this.

I fell asleep today around 5:00pm, and didn't get to give my mom a card or her gardening tools or have dinner with everyone. [Stupid tired Dewey!!]
Hopefully she still loves me.

[I'm so blessed!]

This is a truth about moms:
They have no idea how much they're teaching.
[Have you ever heard or been a tiny child who lets out a little curse word? Thaaaat makes moms blush.] I just giggle about these things; women who are only human, passing human traits along.

So even drunken/homeless/jail-bound/suicidal/selfish moms who forget they even have kids are full of lessons. She might exhaust you, she could even drag you down with her. Or you might be just inspired. Learn from your parents. If you watch your mother walk a twisted path, know to walk a different one.

I guess I am just praying for anyone who thinks they got gypped on a mom. If anyone is bitter for any reason toward her, then hey, who do you think you are?
She gave you life. And she may not have taught you how to be peaceful but, you're bright enough...

My prayer for Mother's Day, God, is that our moms will sense our appreciation for them, whether on earth or in your kingdom, and that our hearts will be show joy and feel any forgiveness that we've been avoiding. It's too easy to be bitter, so help us grow our little moments of mom-joy.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I Find Rest.

Psalm 37:7a
"Be still in the presence of the LORD,
and wait patiently for him to act." {NLT}

For the past few weeks, I have been going non-stop. I have been working so much and have neglected spending any significant amount of time in God's word and I have felt this taking a serious toll on my attitude, patience, and overall happiness. Amongst all my busyness {starting a new job, moving into an apartment, etc.}, I have not taken the time to be still in God's presence, to spend time with my savior and friend.

The King James Version of this verse says "Rest in the Lord", what a thought! Taking the time to come before God and hand over anything I'm dealing with and rest knowing that he will take care of everything.

I just pray that in the coming days and weeks, I will draw closer to God and rest knowing that he has a perfect plan for my life {even when I don't quite see things working out as planned}.

{Through The Bible In One Year Update: Joshua 9}

Praise: I made it through April without losing my mind.

Prayer: Continue learning to completely trust God's plan.